Boy does life get busy!!!! I am still active as a Paparazzi consultant. I still love the company and the product. I would say that the biggest change since I last blogged is the amount of new pieces they add to the website weekly!!!! It amazes me how a company can not only predict the fashion that will be in style (think about it, they have to know what the style will be before it hits in order to get the designs to the factory and get it made, which takes time) but also how they can add so much weekly, sometimes daily.
I want you to go online right now to and tell me what you think!! I can almost guarantee you that you will not only find one piece you love, but 10! The headbands are on point and the necklaces (and everything else) are on trend!
Think about how this company can help you. Do you need extra income? Join. Do you need accessories without the high price? Buy Do you need something just for yourself? Do both!!
Contact me today!!!