Boy does life get busy!!!! I am still active as a Paparazzi consultant. I still love the company and the product. I would say that the biggest change since I last blogged is the amount of new pieces they add to the website weekly!!!! It amazes me how a company can not only predict the fashion that will be in style (think about it, they have to know what the style will be before it hits in order to get the designs to the factory and get it made, which takes time) but also how they can add so much weekly, sometimes daily.
I want you to go online right now to and tell me what you think!! I can almost guarantee you that you will not only find one piece you love, but 10! The headbands are on point and the necklaces (and everything else) are on trend!
Think about how this company can help you. Do you need extra income? Join. Do you need accessories without the high price? Buy Do you need something just for yourself? Do both!!
Contact me today!!!
Fab Fashion at $5-Paparazzi By Jenna
I am a Paparazzi Independent Consultant! I Love what I do, I have great leaders to help me succeed, and I want to help anyone that is willing to learn how to succeed as well. I started this blog to help new consultants under me feel more comfortable with their new adventure. It can be overwhelming, but knowing that I felt the same way, helps them move forward. I just started this blog, so be patient as it grows. Thank you!
Monday, August 8, 2016
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
How to post on Facebook
One of the most important things about having a direct sales business is marketing. You have to be able to market yourself to potential customers and one of the best ways is through Facebook. Here are some tips how to get the most out of your Facebook posts.
Paid Facebook advertising; This is when you post on your Facebook page and pay Facebook to advertise for you. You know those suggested post on your feed?? Those are paid advertisers. I have done this a couple times. You are able to select a suggested age and gender for them to focus on. And the best part is, you select the max amount to spend and how many days for them to post. Each ad they post cost a couple cents. Once you hit your max or the last day, it's over and they send you an invoice. For example, if you choose it to run for 3 days or $20 it will go until you reach on or the other. Sometimes your post doesn't reach the $20, so you are only charged for how many people your post reached.
Posting in groups; This is normally free. And if it's not, move on. I post is many "work from home", "looking for work from home", "mom's looking" etc types of groups. I have a document listing about 20 groups a day. You don't want to post too much on Facebook on any given day, they may shut you down. Facebook wants you to pay for their advertising so you need to be low key when doing this. Everyday, I go to my list and post in those groups. I usually post in the same group twice a week.
Paid advertising with Bloggers/Mommy pages/Local events page; I have 3 groups that I pay to post in. I picked these groups because I want to reach those moms. The moms who love their kids and doing fun (and they are huge on FREE) activities. These moms, they are my clients. They are the moms who would love to spend money on themselves, but they don't because things are costly...but not Paparazzi!! Also, the great thing about these sites is that they hold live events, and when you are paid advertiser, you get first dibs on the events.
Grab bags; This is when people hold live events and make "goody" bags for their customers. This could be at a huge consignment shop. As the customer purchase they hand them a bag full of coupons, samples, etc. Usually the cost is under $10. You would put your business card in there and maybe a coupon (like get a free item with next order of $20 or more). I have done this and didn't get anything out of it..but it's something to try if you are talking about $5. You need to get your name out there, especially in the first couple months. Make a brand for yourself!!
Your Facebook Group AND Page; This is the biggest way to market yourself. I use my page for mostly advertising and my group is more personal and interactive. You want to direct EVERY customer and person you talk with about Paparazzi to these pages!!!! THIS IS SO SOOOOO IMPORTANT! I use my Facebook group to advertise new products, flash sales, interesting facts, etc. I want to be their "go to" person for their fashion jewelry and hair a friendship and they will be loyal. The bigger amount of people on your page/group the bigger everyday customers you have.
Remember service with a smile always and be excited for what you are selling. You are selling happiness, self esteem, and great fashion at a great price. BE PROUD OF THAT!
Paid Facebook advertising; This is when you post on your Facebook page and pay Facebook to advertise for you. You know those suggested post on your feed?? Those are paid advertisers. I have done this a couple times. You are able to select a suggested age and gender for them to focus on. And the best part is, you select the max amount to spend and how many days for them to post. Each ad they post cost a couple cents. Once you hit your max or the last day, it's over and they send you an invoice. For example, if you choose it to run for 3 days or $20 it will go until you reach on or the other. Sometimes your post doesn't reach the $20, so you are only charged for how many people your post reached.
Posting in groups; This is normally free. And if it's not, move on. I post is many "work from home", "looking for work from home", "mom's looking" etc types of groups. I have a document listing about 20 groups a day. You don't want to post too much on Facebook on any given day, they may shut you down. Facebook wants you to pay for their advertising so you need to be low key when doing this. Everyday, I go to my list and post in those groups. I usually post in the same group twice a week.
Paid advertising with Bloggers/Mommy pages/Local events page; I have 3 groups that I pay to post in. I picked these groups because I want to reach those moms. The moms who love their kids and doing fun (and they are huge on FREE) activities. These moms, they are my clients. They are the moms who would love to spend money on themselves, but they don't because things are costly...but not Paparazzi!! Also, the great thing about these sites is that they hold live events, and when you are paid advertiser, you get first dibs on the events.
Grab bags; This is when people hold live events and make "goody" bags for their customers. This could be at a huge consignment shop. As the customer purchase they hand them a bag full of coupons, samples, etc. Usually the cost is under $10. You would put your business card in there and maybe a coupon (like get a free item with next order of $20 or more). I have done this and didn't get anything out of it..but it's something to try if you are talking about $5. You need to get your name out there, especially in the first couple months. Make a brand for yourself!!
Your Facebook Group AND Page; This is the biggest way to market yourself. I use my page for mostly advertising and my group is more personal and interactive. You want to direct EVERY customer and person you talk with about Paparazzi to these pages!!!! THIS IS SO SOOOOO IMPORTANT! I use my Facebook group to advertise new products, flash sales, interesting facts, etc. I want to be their "go to" person for their fashion jewelry and hair a friendship and they will be loyal. The bigger amount of people on your page/group the bigger everyday customers you have.
Remember service with a smile always and be excited for what you are selling. You are selling happiness, self esteem, and great fashion at a great price. BE PROUD OF THAT!
Monday, December 22, 2014
Happy Holidays from Paparazzi
It's the week of Christmas and I can honestly say that this is the first year that I don't have bills hanging over our heads after the holiday season. Everything has been paid for and I have Paparazzi to thank for that!! This company has allowed me to not only work at my own pace, but earn enough money to truly make a difference. I am able to do marketing from home while my little one plays next to me, I can pick events and parties and schedule them around my families activities, and I am free to sell as much or as little as I feel needed. There is no quotas so there's no worry about selling a certain amount each month. The only thing they require is that if you want to stay active, you must purchase 25 pieces each month. That is so easy to do!! And if for some reason a month goes by and you don't make that purchase, all you have to do is make a purchase the next month and it will make you active again. No hassles, no worries.
Thank you Paparazzi for allowing me to end my year with no bills, no worries, and no hassle.
If you interested in joining an amazing team with Paparazzi, please email me at or contact me through my free (yes, they give you a free website) at
Thank you Paparazzi for allowing me to end my year with no bills, no worries, and no hassle.
If you interested in joining an amazing team with Paparazzi, please email me at or contact me through my free (yes, they give you a free website) at
Monday, December 8, 2014
Display Ideas for Paparazzi Jewelry and Accessories
I am all about making my displays or using items that don't cost a ton. I have some pegboard displays, I have a room divider that I redid and made into a display, and I have some spinning racks. I got my ideas from my team mates or from Pinterest.
Here are some pictures of my displays.
If you know anyone who works in retail ask them if they have any displays they don't use. I got this for free from a store. They had a bunch in the back not being used and just taking up space.
Here are some pictures of my displays.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Why I Love Paparazzi Jewelry and Accessories
Why I Love Paparazzi
There are so many reasons why I love working from home. I am able to be home with my children during the day. I have freedom to work around my families schedule. I am able to work full time or part time. But why Paparazzi??
I searched high and low for the right company for me and my family. I didn't want to spend a ton to start, but knew that with many companies there would be some sort of start up fee. I wanted a company that didn't make you sell a certain amount each month. Something that I could start off as slow or as fast as I felt comfortable. Instant profit would be a plus as well! And the most important thing was that I could sell something that not only I believed in, but something that was affordable!!
Paparazzi had it ALL! I started with the $249 kit. Knowing that worse case, I will always get my money back by selling the pieces in my starter kit (and more!). There are no quotas!! In order to stay active you must make a purchase of 25 pieces a month, but if you stop one month...all it takes is an order to become active again. The instant profit is there because you can sell what is in your started kit. And did I mention that you are selling $5 items!!! So that's where the feel good about selling and something I believe in comes in!
There are so many companies out there that want you to purchase a $50 necklace. I am not by any means saying that their product is not worth that at all, it's just never in my budget. And really if I were to purchase something at that price, it would have to go with everything I wear. Being home with my children has made us very thrifty, and I never buy anything not needed for myself. What I sell is FUN not FINE!! And you can purchase a piece that may just go with one's $5, not a big deal! I have customers that love buying pieces in the trend and something they normally wouldn't buy, but because of it's low price they have fun and get those pieces!! It allows people to have fun and get out of their Jewelry comfort zone.
Wait...did I mention the kids line!!??! I have little girls and my 9 year old just loves when my order comes in, almost as much as me!! The kids line is purchase in 10 packs for $5 and you sell them for at least $1. Parents love buying pieces from the kids line..why? What do kids do? Lose it! It gives them the freedom to spoil their kids, worry free. And the kids have a blast shopping at my events! Their little faces light up when their mom tells them to pick out some pieces.
The last reason of why I love this company is the compensation plan. I receive 45% of everything I sell. But wait there's more! I make 10% off of my downline (people I signed up under me) and another 5% off of their downline!! So the amount you make is unlimited!!
This job is rewarding is so many ways. I could go on and on, but wanted to highlight my top reasons. I am thrilled I joined and took that leap of faith.
If you are interested in joining a great company feel free to check out my website at
There are so many reasons why I love working from home. I am able to be home with my children during the day. I have freedom to work around my families schedule. I am able to work full time or part time. But why Paparazzi??
I searched high and low for the right company for me and my family. I didn't want to spend a ton to start, but knew that with many companies there would be some sort of start up fee. I wanted a company that didn't make you sell a certain amount each month. Something that I could start off as slow or as fast as I felt comfortable. Instant profit would be a plus as well! And the most important thing was that I could sell something that not only I believed in, but something that was affordable!!
Paparazzi had it ALL! I started with the $249 kit. Knowing that worse case, I will always get my money back by selling the pieces in my starter kit (and more!). There are no quotas!! In order to stay active you must make a purchase of 25 pieces a month, but if you stop one month...all it takes is an order to become active again. The instant profit is there because you can sell what is in your started kit. And did I mention that you are selling $5 items!!! So that's where the feel good about selling and something I believe in comes in!
There are so many companies out there that want you to purchase a $50 necklace. I am not by any means saying that their product is not worth that at all, it's just never in my budget. And really if I were to purchase something at that price, it would have to go with everything I wear. Being home with my children has made us very thrifty, and I never buy anything not needed for myself. What I sell is FUN not FINE!! And you can purchase a piece that may just go with one's $5, not a big deal! I have customers that love buying pieces in the trend and something they normally wouldn't buy, but because of it's low price they have fun and get those pieces!! It allows people to have fun and get out of their Jewelry comfort zone.
Wait...did I mention the kids line!!??! I have little girls and my 9 year old just loves when my order comes in, almost as much as me!! The kids line is purchase in 10 packs for $5 and you sell them for at least $1. Parents love buying pieces from the kids line..why? What do kids do? Lose it! It gives them the freedom to spoil their kids, worry free. And the kids have a blast shopping at my events! Their little faces light up when their mom tells them to pick out some pieces.
The last reason of why I love this company is the compensation plan. I receive 45% of everything I sell. But wait there's more! I make 10% off of my downline (people I signed up under me) and another 5% off of their downline!! So the amount you make is unlimited!!
This job is rewarding is so many ways. I could go on and on, but wanted to highlight my top reasons. I am thrilled I joined and took that leap of faith.
If you are interested in joining a great company feel free to check out my website at
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Paparazzi Jewelry..How to Make Money Selling $5 Jewelry and Accessories
How to Make Money Selling $5 Jewelry and Accessories
With every company, you make a certain percentage off the sales. With Paparazzi, you make 45% off of every piece. That's pretty high since most are 30% or under. They say you have to spend money to earn money when it comes to most Direct sales. And that is true. Nothing in life is free and if you really work your business, you will succeed and make money!
Paparazzi has starter kits. They range from $99-$499.99. They all come with inventory for you to start selling right away. I purchased the $249 kit. I also went out and purchase items for displays and got business cards, that all came from my home account. So it was really important to me to pay my home account back, while investing more money in the company to build my inventory. So for the first couple months, while I made profit, I would give some back to my home account and the rest towards purchasing more items to build my business.
I was about 3 months in when I was completely done paying my home account back and I started to actually pocket some money while still growing my inventory! You have to realize that because we purchase the items at $2.75 and I sell them for $5.50 (this is the price that many use. It's a flat rate that covers all the taxes and any other fees ex; like if someone was to pay through paypal). So when you sell 40 items and then replace those 40 items..its costing you way less than what you have in your hand from the sales. That's why its so easy to replace items and grow.
I am now at the point that all my sales that go into my paypal account pay for my business and all my cash sales go right into my home account as profit!
Where to sell?
The very first thing you want to do when you get your kit is to host an open house. You want to introduce your new business to all the people you know. ( Make sure that while you are waiting for your kit to arrive you make up a Facebook page and group and add all your friends and family (and have them add people too). Make sure that they are public. I use my Facebook page for advertising and my group is more interactive. I have all my inventory post in an album on my group page.) Post an event through your Facebook group, advertise it on your page, and even make a Facebook event. Get people excited for this!! Post some pics from the paparazzi website letting people know what type of items you could be selling (you don't know what will be in the kit so make no promises that you will have a certain item).
After you host your open house start asking around if people would be interested in earning free items by hosting an open house of their own. I hate to call these home parties. The reputation of Direct sales parties give people concern, they really don't like the idea of hosting a demorstration and asking their friends to purchase yet another item. However, if you make it more laid back they are more likely to have one. And once their friends see the items and the price, they will fall in love!
What to offer your hostess for having an open house? I give one item for having it and then 1 for every $5 piece sold.
Vendor Events are good to sign up for. You will have to learn which ones are worth it and which ones to stay away from. The only way to really do this is by trying them out. In my area I have learned that events that go along with other things like a car show or ones that are vendor and flea markets, don't do well. They also tend to be very long. However, I have met a lot of other vendor people and now have a great group that have included me in other events. They also inform me of what events to avoid and events that are a must!! Plus even at the ones that are not great, you are getting your name out there! You want to make sure that the person running the events are advertising them. When you apply to be at an event just email them and ask them where they are advertising and if they have a flyer that you can have to post too. Also ask them how long they have been doing this particular event. I enjoy the 2-3 hour events. I meet new vendors, get my name out there, and make sales. Much like parties, you can make a real profit in a little time frame.
One on One sales. This is my money maker!! I have people messaging me all the time to come over and shop at my home. Or they will take a look at my inventory album on Facebook and request a couple items. Make sure that everyone knows that your store is always open!! People love to splurge on themselves, especially when it's only $5!
Facebook events. You can through an event through Facebook. I have done games that have been a huge hit! I also have had a buy 3 get 1 free sale or a tax on me sale, selling it for $5. Make sure that when you are having a sale you only offer free items, not a percentage off or a price under $5! It is against policy to sell items under the $5. Unless its the kids line..that you can sell for $1.
Here is a game that was a huge hit and I plan on doing it again!!
With every company, you make a certain percentage off the sales. With Paparazzi, you make 45% off of every piece. That's pretty high since most are 30% or under. They say you have to spend money to earn money when it comes to most Direct sales. And that is true. Nothing in life is free and if you really work your business, you will succeed and make money!
Paparazzi has starter kits. They range from $99-$499.99. They all come with inventory for you to start selling right away. I purchased the $249 kit. I also went out and purchase items for displays and got business cards, that all came from my home account. So it was really important to me to pay my home account back, while investing more money in the company to build my inventory. So for the first couple months, while I made profit, I would give some back to my home account and the rest towards purchasing more items to build my business.
I was about 3 months in when I was completely done paying my home account back and I started to actually pocket some money while still growing my inventory! You have to realize that because we purchase the items at $2.75 and I sell them for $5.50 (this is the price that many use. It's a flat rate that covers all the taxes and any other fees ex; like if someone was to pay through paypal). So when you sell 40 items and then replace those 40 items..its costing you way less than what you have in your hand from the sales. That's why its so easy to replace items and grow.
I am now at the point that all my sales that go into my paypal account pay for my business and all my cash sales go right into my home account as profit!
Where to sell?
The very first thing you want to do when you get your kit is to host an open house. You want to introduce your new business to all the people you know. ( Make sure that while you are waiting for your kit to arrive you make up a Facebook page and group and add all your friends and family (and have them add people too). Make sure that they are public. I use my Facebook page for advertising and my group is more interactive. I have all my inventory post in an album on my group page.) Post an event through your Facebook group, advertise it on your page, and even make a Facebook event. Get people excited for this!! Post some pics from the paparazzi website letting people know what type of items you could be selling (you don't know what will be in the kit so make no promises that you will have a certain item).
After you host your open house start asking around if people would be interested in earning free items by hosting an open house of their own. I hate to call these home parties. The reputation of Direct sales parties give people concern, they really don't like the idea of hosting a demorstration and asking their friends to purchase yet another item. However, if you make it more laid back they are more likely to have one. And once their friends see the items and the price, they will fall in love!
What to offer your hostess for having an open house? I give one item for having it and then 1 for every $5 piece sold.
Vendor Events are good to sign up for. You will have to learn which ones are worth it and which ones to stay away from. The only way to really do this is by trying them out. In my area I have learned that events that go along with other things like a car show or ones that are vendor and flea markets, don't do well. They also tend to be very long. However, I have met a lot of other vendor people and now have a great group that have included me in other events. They also inform me of what events to avoid and events that are a must!! Plus even at the ones that are not great, you are getting your name out there! You want to make sure that the person running the events are advertising them. When you apply to be at an event just email them and ask them where they are advertising and if they have a flyer that you can have to post too. Also ask them how long they have been doing this particular event. I enjoy the 2-3 hour events. I meet new vendors, get my name out there, and make sales. Much like parties, you can make a real profit in a little time frame.
One on One sales. This is my money maker!! I have people messaging me all the time to come over and shop at my home. Or they will take a look at my inventory album on Facebook and request a couple items. Make sure that everyone knows that your store is always open!! People love to splurge on themselves, especially when it's only $5!
Facebook events. You can through an event through Facebook. I have done games that have been a huge hit! I also have had a buy 3 get 1 free sale or a tax on me sale, selling it for $5. Make sure that when you are having a sale you only offer free items, not a percentage off or a price under $5! It is against policy to sell items under the $5. Unless its the kids line..that you can sell for $1.
Here is a game that was a huge hit and I plan on doing it again!!
Until next time..topic will be display ideas:)
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
My Personal Paparazzi Success Story
Welcome to Paparazzi by Jenna!
I am a stay at home mom of 3. I have a wonderful husband who works endlessly at a job he doesn't love, but does it to provide for all of us. I babysit part time for a couple different families to help out finically. I wanted something new. I decided to start to look into work from home opportunities and did a ton of research. I wanted to find something that was 1)Affordable to start 2)Something that I could feel good about selling. How many times have you gone to home parties and thought "Wow, that's a little pricey for my SAHM salary" 3)Something that made me proud to sell. Something that made others feel good about buying 4)Something that is flexible. 5) Something that is fairly new and not played out. The list really could go on and on about what I was looking for but that's just to start.
I came across Paparazzi and thought that it could be a great opportunity. No one sold this around me! I could be the start of something fabulous!! No catalogs for my customers to hmm and haul over while I sat patiently awaiting their request. THE PRICE!! WHAT $5???? Yes, I can offer GUILT FREE shopping!! YES!!! Now, me being the thrifty person that I am, I am always looking for a deal! THIS IS A STEAL!!! And what really got me to take that leap was that no matter what happened, the kit I purchased to start can always be sold and I will always get my investment back.
What is Paparazzi?? Paparazzi is all about being Fun, Trendy, and Affordable. As a consultant, I purchase a piece at $2.75 and sell it for at least $5. That's 45% PROFIT on every piece!! They stay in the trendy, so what is here today may be gone tomorrow. Things change so quickly and new pieces are added almost daily. All the pieces are lead and nickel free, so no itching here!!
I am 5 months in and LOVE IT!!! Everyone around me has responded so well to it. I will talk about my payment and finical plan on another blog, but I am making a profit, having a blast at open houses, vendor events, one on one shopping, etc. Seeing women who normally wouldn't buy themselves anything be able to feel pretty wearing something so fashionable is so rewarding! And for a plain jane like myself, who knew I loved fashion jewelry! I can't get enough of our rings!
Well that's all for now from the Paparazzi Rep!
Contact me today at
I am a stay at home mom of 3. I have a wonderful husband who works endlessly at a job he doesn't love, but does it to provide for all of us. I babysit part time for a couple different families to help out finically. I wanted something new. I decided to start to look into work from home opportunities and did a ton of research. I wanted to find something that was 1)Affordable to start 2)Something that I could feel good about selling. How many times have you gone to home parties and thought "Wow, that's a little pricey for my SAHM salary" 3)Something that made me proud to sell. Something that made others feel good about buying 4)Something that is flexible. 5) Something that is fairly new and not played out. The list really could go on and on about what I was looking for but that's just to start.
I came across Paparazzi and thought that it could be a great opportunity. No one sold this around me! I could be the start of something fabulous!! No catalogs for my customers to hmm and haul over while I sat patiently awaiting their request. THE PRICE!! WHAT $5???? Yes, I can offer GUILT FREE shopping!! YES!!! Now, me being the thrifty person that I am, I am always looking for a deal! THIS IS A STEAL!!! And what really got me to take that leap was that no matter what happened, the kit I purchased to start can always be sold and I will always get my investment back.
What is Paparazzi?? Paparazzi is all about being Fun, Trendy, and Affordable. As a consultant, I purchase a piece at $2.75 and sell it for at least $5. That's 45% PROFIT on every piece!! They stay in the trendy, so what is here today may be gone tomorrow. Things change so quickly and new pieces are added almost daily. All the pieces are lead and nickel free, so no itching here!!
I am 5 months in and LOVE IT!!! Everyone around me has responded so well to it. I will talk about my payment and finical plan on another blog, but I am making a profit, having a blast at open houses, vendor events, one on one shopping, etc. Seeing women who normally wouldn't buy themselves anything be able to feel pretty wearing something so fashionable is so rewarding! And for a plain jane like myself, who knew I loved fashion jewelry! I can't get enough of our rings!
Well that's all for now from the Paparazzi Rep!
Contact me today at
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